FAQ item 45
No. the terminal will only accept payment once in this scenario.
FAQ item 44
Yes, atheer transaction can be canceled similar to all other mada transactions.
FAQ item 43
Depending on your business sector, your bank will tailor your POS device to suit your business needs through different connectivity options (mobile (GPRS), dial-up, Internet Protocol (IP)) and a wide choice of POS models.
FAQ item 42
If you already provide the POS service you may contact your bank directly to upgrade it with mada standards or to enquire on when the bank will approach you to do so. If you want to provide the service for the first time, you can choose to do so through any of the banks listed under the Merchants tab.
FAQ item 41
MSC is calculated (if applicable) on the basis of the transaction value, For example:
• Example (1): if a customer (cardholder) used his debit card to pay for goods worth SR 35, then the merchant may be entitled to pay his bank an amount of SR 0.28 only for the service. Customer won’t pay any other fees for using his card to pay.
• Example (2): if a customer (cardholder) used his debit card to pay for goods worth SR 20,000, then the merchant may be entitled to pay his bank an amount of SR 40 only for the service. Customer won’t pay any other fees for using his card to pay.
FAQ item 40
POS service has been offered by banks with specific fees. After all, this fees is subject to the commercial contract signed by both sides. The fees interchange model was recalculated to be in line with global best practices. As a result, acquiring banks are permitted to levy a maximum of 0.80% of purchase value for each transaction up to an Merchant Service Charge (MSC) of SAR 40 (maximum) applies.